today as usual...
sleep till bry late...
after it on my pc
find something...
after it remember 1 thing
is go check whn my teacher birthday
coz last year ledi
so celebrate to her lo
it pass ledi...
her birthday was yesterday ==
haiz nvm la
so i still ask the other 4 frenz
they also agree
thn whn go there
we act ntg....
wait all the ppl come 1st...
finally it all arrive
thn i say teacher a we go down buy something to eat a...
thn ok....
bt kenny cant go down...
n we 4 giv teacher scold == nvm...
hn go kyoto cake shop
buy a wat blueberry cake
thn go winnie shop to borrow lighter
thn we go up
but we wait at the stair
after it we open the door
n we all together sing happy birthday to her~~~
tat time teacher was to be stunned
was so excited
she was so touched till cant say anything
after it eat cake play a while
n we continue our tuition....
at last
hope my tuttion teacher jaime
can forever happy
n u r 29 years old ledi lo
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